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To declare or not to declare? The dilemma of the month

More and more natural persons have declared in the past two years their income from abroad, consisting of interests, dividends or stock exchange earnings. The official statistics show a seven fold increase of the amounts declared in 2014, compared to the year before. Still, many hesitate, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of this decision.

However, income from off-shore companies or other investments made abroad will be more and more difficult to hide from fiscal authorities. The global trend is towards intensifying fiscal data exchange between countries, indicating that sooner or later, Romanian authorities will have information on income from abroad.

In the view of Contexpert, not declaring the income is a ticking time bomb. Our recommendation is to minimize all fiscal risks in due time, our specialists having the expertise in order to offer you specialized consultancy.

The deadline for declaring the income from within or outside Romania is the 25th of May.

What types of income need to be declared?

Income from Romania – Form 200

Form 200 must be filled in by all natural persons who obtained, either individually or through some form of association, money or income in the form of goods from:

The persons that have income from one or more of these sources are not bound to fill in the declaration, if:

Incomes from abroad – Form 201

Form 201 must be filled in by natural persons, either Romanian, or with their domicile in Romania and nonresident natural persons who meet at least one of the residency criteria:

Sources of income that needs to be declared

The incomes have to be declared for each country where the income is earned and for every type of income.